June 25, 2013...Waking up in Greybull we hurriedly ate a camp breakfast and headed to the church van. A pretty good drive was ahead of us and we wanted to get an early start and head to Montana. The drive was pretty uneventful as the landscape became more hilly and desolate. Our conversation centered on, "What do people do for jobs here?" and "Where are the stores to buy groceries?" and "That house way over there doesn't have a neighbor in several miles!" Not the life for me...I need the conveniences closer at hand and certainly would miss the daily interaction with friends.

Soon we were in Red Lodge and made a pit stop for some shopping. However, we were a little early and some of the shops were not open. Also, the main street was torn up with construction and the shopkeepers told us that business was off by over 90%. Ouch. That could make or break it for them and I'm sure it really hurts. I did see a bench on Main Street that I liked. It was just a plain bench but it had a plaque on it with "Class of 1985" or whatever year and the names of all the classmates. I really liked this idea because it allows a lot of folks to be involved and keep the individual cost down. Orion's main street could use some new benches....just saying. We also found a little shop called Haydan. And as you can see, Tim took the opportunity to do a reflection photo-bomb! Silly guy! Why do the stupidest things make us laugh?!
We soon found ourselves winding down the Beartooth Highway. All mountains are beautiful and these were no exception. We were so excited to see the snow above us and the air got colder and colder as the church van carried us into the clouds above treeline. We stopped and fed some begging chipmunks at an overlook but learned they are so fussy they don't like bread and hold out for nuts and seeds!
Soon we were at the top and snow was everywhere! I know it's weird to be excited about snow because of how we all dislike it in February, but in June it is an event! We all got out and played in it and threw snow at each other and mugged for the cameras. Also at the top was a ski company that had one tow rope. The hill had to be a double/double black diamond (is there such a thing?) because it was straight down! But extreme skiers were enjoying a few more runs for the season. Crazy fools!
We had an altitude event we all found fascinating...it seems that when you buy chips at home and take them to the mountains the sealed bag gets fatter and puffier as you get higher. We put it up front so we could keep an eye on it and all of a sudden...poof!! The bag exploded and we all cheered! It just sounded just like a mylar balloon blowing up. What an event!

At one roadside stop we came upon a whole bunch of birds that were quite unhappy that we were near their nests. They looked like swallows and made a mud nest. Here is a photo of them poking their little heads out of the nest. I have a peculiar feeling that the wild life is soon to get a lot bigger!
We have arrived at the north entrance to Yellowstone and are staying in a campground in Gardiner, MT. It is really quiet and nice and we like it a lot. Two nights here while we explore the north portion. Looking forward to it! Bye for now. Deb
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