Parking was in a freshly cut field. Everyone then stood in line waiting to be admitted to the security area. First we showed our signed ticket and photo ID for comparison and then went to the metal detection area. We passed through just like you would at the airport and our phones and cameras had to be turned on. Everyone then made their way to the seating area and began to choose their seats.
I was there fairly early and had an opportunity to scope out the reserved seats which had names on them. I saw Governor Pat Quinn's chair was in the front row and the seat directly behind his was open and I snagged it! I certainly wanted to speak with the Governor if I could.
It was hot and sunny but no one seemed to mind. They had water and lemonade from coolers for us but ran out quite early. I saw someone then dragging a hose to the area and I figured that they had given up on trying to carry it from the source and bring the source to the coolers! It was not very cold water but it was wet and we were happy to have it. We had been instructed not to bring water or any liquids with us. We were all quite jolly and mingled around chatting and sharing stories. There was quite a mixed crowd of people there both in ages and political convictions. After all, we would hear repeatedly, no matter your political views, how often do you get an opportunity to see the President of the United States, live and in person!
The security was extreme as you can probably imagine. I saw dogs, many police, quite a few of who I think were Secret Service, White House staff, and what appeared to be a SWAT team with very big guns! I saw one woman I believe who was SS because she was wearing a bullet proof vest under her dress shirt, giving instructions to the crowds not to lean on the straw bales and do not hand the President anything, and to stay seated. There was a nearly constant patrol of the cornfield perimeter behind where the President would speak. At one point I watched some men lifting sheets of plywood and even a sign that read Country Corners, up onto the top of a Budget Rental truck trailer. Pretty soon 4 uniformed men wearing bullet proof vests climbed an aluminum ladder to the top of the trailer and pulled the ladder up on top of the truck with them standing on the wood previously mentioned. They then proceeded to scan the area with binoculars, turning in slow circles, nearly continuously.
There was quite a long wait. The President was running late from the schedule. The rumor circled that his motorcade had gotten "lost" and they ended up in Galesburg. But we now know that they visited the High School in Galesburg.
Finally, about 45 minutes later, I saw a helicopter heading our way from the Galesburg area. Shortly, the President arrived. I did not see his bus or the caravan. It was behind us and there were tents and stands of reporters in the way. But pretty quickly the announcement came, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The President of the United States." Everyone applauded and he came around the corner taking his place inside the straw bale arena.
After he was finished taking questions he headed to the far side of the ring of straw bales and started to shake hands. Everyone leapt up and headed to the straw hoping for a chance. I was right there at the front and when he came I grasped his hand and said, "Thank you for your service to our country." and he replied, "Thanks for coming out today." shake, shake, shake, and on to the next person! It was very quick but still significant considering I haven't ever shaken a President's hand before, although I did see Nixon at the Illinois State Fair when I was a teen. What fun!
The President left the staged area and headed behind us toward 150. The dignitaries that were in attendance were sent there for photos. We were turned loose to wait until we would be released to go home. At this time they fed us a nice meal of pork shop sandwiches cooked by the Henry County Pork Producers and lots of beautiful fresh fruit, corn on the cob, and slices of pie. There was a big tent to sit under and most everyone took this opportunity to be in the shade and talk about the afternoon's events.
After about an hour or so of this eating and talking, an announcement came on the speakers that the President had left the area and we were now permitted to leave. We were invited to stay if we wanted and enjoy the Country Corner's hospitality. It was now about 7 pm and I was ready to get in a shower and tell Dan and the boys all about it so I left.
It was quite as interesting experience and I would be pleased to do it all over again. Thanks for reading about my day! Hope you enjoyed it. Deb
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