Good Afternoon, Mr. President

WOW!  What a day! To start at the beginning of today’s adventure I have to go back to Friday.

Early afternoon on Friday I read on Facebook that the President was coming to Alpha and Atkinson.  I immediately went to the AP and checked, and to my surprise it was true!  But then, I was almost physically sick!  “Why couldn’t he come to Orion?”  I asked anyone who would listen!  But it was not too be.  Alpha was as close as the POTUS would get to Orion!  All right now…get over it, Deb!

Fast forward to early Sunday morning…I was working in the shop and the phone rang.  When I heard who it was I immediately squealed, “Does the Henry County Tourism Bureau board get to go and see the President?”  “Yes” was the reply.  We had been invited and I was going!  Yipee! 

I called my sisters and posted on Facebook!  I was going to see the President!  Now the planning began of what to ask if given the opportunity, and what to wear?  LOL You all who know me, know that I am very, very informal.  But I had a new sundress in my closet I wanted to wear and my wonderful sister Sandy agreed to hem it for me.  Thanks, San!

I decided pretty quickly what my subject matter for my question would be. I now had to phrase it correctly.  Not too long, but still get all the facts in.  This is what I finally came up with:

Good afternoon, Mr. President.  My name is Debbie Ford and I am the director of the Main Street Orion program, and a 33 year small business owner, located in the village of Orion, about 10 miles north of here.  Last November, Orion was informed that we would be receiving federal grant money for streetscape improvements in the amount of nearly $175,000.  Orion would have been responsible for another $75,000 and was prepared to fund its portion.

Recently, federal requirements changed and now Orion is looking at a possible 84% increase in projected costs, which will most likely kill the project.  If the government had proceeded quickly with the paperwork, this project would have already been underway. President Obama, what can you do to forestall implementation of these new government mandated requirements, allowing Orion to continue with our planned and needed infrastructure improvements?

But I was not called on, and my question went unasked.  Darn!

It’s now after 10 pm and I am sunburned and exhausted and the rest of my day’s story will have to wait till tomorrow.  Kind of like a soap opera, stay tuned…

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